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HomeSample PurificationSelection of Purification Equipment

Selection of Purification Equipment

Simple IEX chromatography, such as elution by a step-gradient, can be performed using a syringe or peristaltic pump with prepacked HiTrap columns. A chromatography system is required in order to achieve a high resolution separation using accurately controlled linear gradient elution, to take advantage of the high flow rates of modern media, or when the same column is to be used for many runs.

Way of workingPilotExplorer 100Purifier 10FPLCPrimeSyringe or peristaltic pump +
HiTrap column
Simple, step-gradient elution

Reproducible performance for routine separation

Optimization of one step separation to increase purity

System control and data handling for regulatory requirements, e.g. GLP

Automatic method development and optimization

Automatic buffer preparation
Automatic pH scouting
Automatic media or column scouting
Automatic multi-step purification
Scale up, process development and transfer to production
Proven sanitary design for cGMP with easily exchanged wetted parts
Standard ÄKTAdesign configurations
Standard ÄKTAdesign configurations

Figure 1. Standard ÄKTAdesign configurations

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