- Preparation of (90)YCl(3) radiopharmaceutical precursor for nuclear medicine using technology of centrifugal extractors.
Preparation of (90)YCl(3) radiopharmaceutical precursor for nuclear medicine using technology of centrifugal extractors.
Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine (2010-08-10)
J Srank, F Melichar, A T Filyanin, M Tomes, M Beran
Separation of (90)Y from a parent solution of (90)Sr-(90)Y in 0.5 M nitric acid by two-stage liquid-liquid extraction has been investigated using centrifugal extractors. The extraction agent used was 0.25 M di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) in n-dodecane. Back-extraction used 5 M HCl. Evaporation of HCl was performed in a rotary vacuum evaporator. Experience gained during the design, construction and running of more than 100 hot separations is presented. A short description of analytical methods used and results of the determination of chemical, radionuclidic and radiochemical purities and sterility are given.