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HomeshRNA Gene Families Sets

shRNA Gene Families Sets

The MISSION® shRNA Library gene family sets are collections of genes related to specific cellular/molecular pathways documented in NCBIGene Ontology (GO)Protein Lounge, and Ingenuity Systems. Our Bioinformatics team has methodically mapped all TRC shRNA clones to each set. Gene family sets are fully customizable allowing for complete flexibility to add or delete clone or gene content. Additionally, any panel can be arrayed in either 96- or 384-well plate formats. All of the gene family sets can be used at the benchtop for focused target discovery and pathway analysis.

Formats Available

FormatMaterial ProvidedQuality Control
Bacterial Glycerol Stock50 µl aliquot of bacterial glycerol stocks (terrific broth, carbenicillin at 100 µg/ml and 15% glycerol)Sequencing Verification
Purified Plasmid DNAA minimum of 1 µg of purified plasmid DNA is provided and is aliquoted at 40 µl per wellSequencing Verification
DNA Quantitation
(representational, plate titer)
4 x 50 µl aliquots of VSV-G pseudotyped lentivirus, 10% representational plate titerSequencing Verification
p24 ELISA Titer
(full, individual well titer)
4 x 50 µl aliquots of VSV-G pseudotyped lentivirus, fully titered to individual wellsSequencing Verification
p24 ELISA Titer

Mission shRNA Gene Family Sets

Gene Family SetSpeciesProduct NumbersProduct Information
GlycerolPlasmid DNALentivirus Rep. TiterLentivirus Full TiterGene CountClone CountAvg Number Clone/Gene
Apoptosis PathwayHumanSH1911SH1921SH1931inquire44135208.0
B-Cell ActivationHumanSH2911SH2921SH2931inquire996616.7
Cell Adhesion GenesHumanSH2211SH2221SH2231inquire36623966.5
Cytokine and ChemokineHumanSH0811SH0821SH0831inquire1065285.0
Cytokine and Chemokine ReceptorsHumanSH1311SH1321SH1331inquire935846.3
Cytoskeleton GenesHumanSH2311SH2321SH2331inquire27319917.3
Epigenetic RegulatorsHumanSH3011SH3021SH3031inquire11575.2
DNA Repair PathwayHumanSH1811SH1821SH1831inquire1178377.2
Ubiquitin Hydrolases (DUBS)HumanSH0711SH0721SH0731inquire1248186.6
Extracellular Matrix GenesHumanSH2511SH2521SH2531inquire33019686.0
G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs)HumanSH0211SH0221SH0231inquire54228645.3
Ion ChannelHumanSH1011SH1021SH1031inquire27814565.2
JAK-STAT PathwayHumanSH2711SH2721SH2731inquire19013096.9
Kinases, completeHumanSH0111SH0121SH0131inquire746941812.6
Nuclear Hormone ReceptorsHumanSH1111SH1121SH1131inquire21614486.7
p53 PathwayHumanSH2411SH2421SH2431inquire24018657.8
T-Cell ActivationHumanSH2811SH2821SH2831inquire24114696.1
Tumor SupressorsHumanSH0511SH0521SH0531inquire735757.9
Tyrosine KinasesHumaninquireinquireinquireinquire133172813.0
Ubiquitin Ligases (E1, E2, E3)HumanSH2111SH2121SH2131inquire34120816.1
Kinases, completeMouseSM0111SM0121SM0131inquire59839166.5
Tyrosine KinaseMouseSM2011SM2021SM2031inquire1308506.5

*The MISSION production and bio-informatics team constantly reviews and quality controls clones available for a gene family set. These numbers are very close to the actual number that will be shipped, but each researcher will receive a final plate map indicating the location and exact TRCN clone numbers.

If your gene set of interest is not available, please inquire for custom preparation at [email protected]. We can assemble custom gene sets at any time.

Contact Us

For questions about the library, pricing and quotes or other concerns, please e-mail us at: [email protected].

MISSION is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC Label License.

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