Rapid Antibody Concentration with Amicon® Ultra Centrifugal Filters
Purification protocols for immunoglobulins generally include affinity binding to Protein A or G chromatography media, washing unbound proteins, and eluting with a low pH buffer. The resulting purified antibodies are often too dilute for downstream studies or long-term storage. Dialysis is often necessary to concentrate the antibody and/or exchange the buffer into one that preserves protein activity. Ultrafiltration achieves the same result faster, with up to 99% immunoglobulin recovery and one-step salt removal (see Concentration, Desalting, and Buffer Exchange protocol).
Method and Results
Purification and concentration of Rabbit IgG with Prosep® A and Prosep® G Montage® Antibody Purification Kits and Amicon® Ultra-15 mL centrifugal filters.
A. Purification of IgG using Montage® Kits
- Equilibrate the Prosep® A or Prosep® G resins with 10 mL of binding buffer and spin for 5 min at 500 xg
- Pre-clarify the serum sample by passing through a 0.22 µm Steriflip® GP filter.
- Dilute the sample 1:1 with binding buffer A and centrifuge the device at 100-150 x g for 20 min.
- Wash the spin column with 20 mL of binding buffer A to remove unbound contaminants by centrifuging the column for 5 min at 500 x g.
- Elute the samples by adding 10 mL of elution buffer B2 into a fresh centrifuge tube containing 1.3 mL of neutralization buffer.
- Measure the total protein concentration of the sample using an appropriate concentration method, such as UV absorbance at 280 nm.
B. Concentration of IgG using Amicon® Ultra-15 30kDa MWCO devices
- Add the neutralized eluted fraction into Amicon® Ultra 15 mL 30 kDa MWCO device.
- Centrifuge for 10 to 20 min at 4000 x g in a swinging bucket rotor or 5000 x g in a fixed angle rotor until the sample has reached the desired concentration.

Figure 1.Concentration of rabbit IgG with Amicon Ultra-15 devices. The IgGs were purified using Montage PRSEP-A pr PROSEP-G Antibody Purification Kits. The lines show IgG volume reduction, while the bars show a proportional increase in IgG concentration after 20 min of centrifugation time.

Figure 2.SD-PAGE gel of purified rabbit IgG before and after concentration with Amicon Ultra-15 devices.
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