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자사는 추출, 특성분석, 제형화, 이전과 다른 배지 또는 활성화 모드를 포함하는 회학적/효소적 변형을 포함하는 귀하의 모든 연구적 요구에 부합하는 당지질, 당단백질, 지질다당류를 포함하는 포괄적인 당접합체 포트폴리오를 제공합니다. 감염 질환, 염증 및 종양에 대한 약물 표적을 찾아 종양, 바이러스 및 세균 감염 및 기타 질병에 대한 새로운 잠재적 백신을 개발하고 치료제로서 당접합체의 다른 잠재적 용도를 탐색합니다.
관련 자료
- Article: BIOshell Glycan HPLC Columns
Fast, high-resolution separations of procainamide labeled glycans - dextran ladder, human IgG and cetuximab
- Article: Deglycosylation Kits
Find deglycosylation kits for your research. Review the different features of deglycosylation kits for glycoproteins, enzymatic proteins, and native proteins.
- Article: Enzymatic Deglycosylation
Enzymatic Deglycosylation Strategies: Sequential hydrolysis of individual monosaccharides from glycans can be useful for the elucidation of the structure and function of the glycan component.
- Article: Glycoprotein Deglycosylation
Information about Glycoprotein deglycosylation. The diversity of oligosaccharide structures, both O-linked and N-linked, often results in heterogeneity in the mass and charge of glycoproteins.
- Article: Glycosaminoglycans and Proteoglycans
Uncover more about glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans including the structure of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), the different types of GAGs, and their functions.
- Article: Glycosphingolipids
- Article: GPI Anchored Glycoproteins
GPI Anchored Glycoproteins
- Article: Lipopolysacharides
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major component of Gram-negative bacteria, important for microbiological research.
- Article: Peptidoglycans
Peptidoglycan structure: alternating GlcNAc and N-acetylmuramic acid cross-linked to peptides form the basic backbone.
- Article: Purification and Removal of Glycoproteins and Polysaccharides
- Article: Strategies for Deglycosylating N-linked Glycans
Explore strategies for releasing N-linked glycans with PNGase F, PNGase A & native & sequential deglycosylation with endoglycosidases & exoglycosidases.
- Brochure: Glycobiology
Glycobiology and glycoproteomics are crucial in life science, with diverse glycoproteins and important roles in cellular communication and physiology.
- Brochure: Glycoconjugates from GlycoNZ
Glycobiology is vital in understanding carbohydrates' role in human health. We offer a wide range of products, including glycoconjugates, and have expanded our portfolio through a partnership with GlycoNZ, offering more opportunities for exploring drug targets for various diseases.
- Selection Guide: Deglycosylation
Complete kits for highly specific deglycosylation.
- Selection Guide: Glycoproteomics Selection Guide — Deglycosylation
Glycoproteomics Selection Guide — Deglycosylation and Glycoproteomics Selection Guide — Labeling and Detection, Quantitation
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