친화성 크로마토그래피 레진

친화성 크로마토그래피는 고도로 선택적인 생화학 상호작용을 통해 복잡한 혼합물을 분리합니다. 이 정제 기술은 널리 사용되며 타겟 분자를 불순물로부터 효율적으로 분리합니다. 당사의 친화성 레진 제품군은 공정 개발부터 대규모 제조에 이르기까지 높은 처리량과 정제 공정의 비용 효율성을 위해 설계되었습니다.
관련 자료
- Tool: mAbsizer™ Calculator
mAb Expression, Purification, and Formulation
- PDF: Biochromatography Portfolio Guide
Bulk Resin, Membranes and Prepacked Columns
- PDF: Chromatography Purification Selection Guide
Chromatography product selection guide.
- Data Sheet: Eshmuno® A Resin
Eshmuno® A media is a rigid, high-capacity, acid and alkalineresistant Protein A affinity chromatography media for the purification of Fc-containing proteins, including but not limited to monoclonal antibodies.
- Data Sheet: Eshmuno® P anti-A and anti-B Resins
High performance, acid and alkaline resistant affinity chromatography resins designed for the removal of anti-A and anti-B antibodies from plasma-derived immunoglobulin (Ig).
- Data Sheet: Fractogel®Chromatography Resin
Fractogel® resins consist of synthetic methacrylate based polymeric beads providing excellent pressure stability resulting in high flow rates. Depending on your purification application, we can offer resin sized M-type beads with a particle size of 40–90 μm and small S-type beads with a particle size in the range of 20–40 μm.
- Application Note: Using Ethylene Glycol Emprove® Evolve to increase Eshmuno®
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is a standard cleaning agent for protein A chromatography resins. Typically, a concentration of 0.1 mol/L NaOH is used. The inclusion of 20% ethylene glycol in a 0.1 mol/L NaOH cleaning solution increases the lifetime of Eshmuno® A columns significantly.
- Application Note: Detection and Quantification of Leached Protein A from Eshmuno® A Resin Using Cygnus F400 Protein A ELISA Kit
Cygnus Technologies performed the initial feasibility testing of the Eshmuno® A Protein A ligand in the Cygnus Protein A ELISA Kit (Cat# F400). Upon successful completion of the feasibility testing, Cygnus proceeded with quantification of the assay for use in in-process and drug substance samples using the Eshmuno® A Protein A resin.
- User Guide: MiniChrom® Pre-Packed Columns
The MiniChrom® columns are prepacked chromatography columns designed for laboratory-scale process development evaluations. When used for biomolecule separations, the results achieved with MiniChrom® columns are typically similar to those obtained using traditional laboratory-scale columns from different vendors.
Protein A 친화성 레진
Eshmuno® A는 단클론 항체(mAb)와 같은 Fc 함유 단백질 정제를 위한 고용량 레진입니다. 이 레진은 산성 및 알칼리성 조건에서 살균할 수 있습니다.
혈장 정제용 친화성 레진
Eshmuno® P anti-A and anti-B 레진은 플라즈마 유래 면역글로불린(Ig) 공정에서 환자의 용혈 위험 증가와 관련된 anti-A 및 anti-B 동종응집소 항체를 효과적으로 제거합니다.
단백질 정제용 친화성 레진
Fractogel® Metal Chelate 레진은 단백질과 펩타이드, 특히 히스티딘 표지된 단백질을 비롯해 히스티딘, 시스테인, 트립토판이 노출된 단백질의 효율적이고 경제적인 분리를 제공합니다.
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