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PCR Reagents & Kits

PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction and is a mainstay of virtually every molecular biology lab. PCR is an easy and affordable method for amplifying specific fragments of DNA by several orders of magnitude. We have specialized kits for a variety of PCR, qPCR, and RT-PCR applications throughout your PCR workflow. Additionally, explore our comprehensive offering of PCR-related resources, including the Standard PCR Protocol and PCR Master Mix Calculator tool

Explore our robust offering of PCR reagents and kits. For incremental innovations, day after day, choose PCR essentials that are the foundation of great work, not a variable that undermines it.


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Direct PCR

Direct PCR is a technique that allows scientists to go directly from plant, tissue, or cell culture samples to PCR without DNA isolation or purification steps. The elimination of these laborious extra steps provides tremendous time and resource savings for improved sustainability. Our Extract-N-Amp™ PCR kits are unique as they deliver a combined extraction and amplification process for plant, tissue, and blood sample assays. By incorporating a “lyse & go” method, Extract-N-Amp™ PCR removes the requirement for columns or long enzymatic sample purification. Our direct PCR kits come with the reagents, enzymes, and proprietary buffers that are required to quickly extract and amplify targets of interest from a variety of plant, blood, and tissue samples.

Hot Start PCR

Hot Start PCR is a technique that inhibits Hot Start Taq polymerase activity or the incorporation of modified dNTPs during reaction set up until a heat activation step occurs. Hot Start PCR allows for reaction set up at room temperature without non-specific amplification and primer dimer formation. Discover our wide selection of Hot Start PCR enzymes including KOD, FastStart™, JumpStart™, and KAPA Biosystems reagents. For additional information on Hot Start PCR reagents and product information, please navigate the product selection table to meet your Hot Start PCR needs.

KOD DNA Polymerase and Master Mix

KOD DNA Polymerase is an ultra-high-fidelity, thermostable DNA polymerase. Numerous independent studies have also verified the superior high-fidelity of KOD DNA Polymerase compared to other thermophilic polymerases. In addition to a low mutation frequency, the fast extension rate and high processivity of KOD polymerase results in higher yields of full-length product in fewer reaction cycles. Combined, these make KOD DNA polymerases the PCR enzyme of choice when speed and fidelity matter. Explore our new KOD One™ PCR Master Mix, a ready-to-use 2x PCR master mix containing a novel, genetically modified KOD DNA polymerase (UKOD), along with a new elongation accelerator, enabling fast PCR with an extension time of 5 sec/kb for template DNA <10kb. 

Roche PCR, qPCR, RT-PCR, and RT-qPCR Reagents, Protocols, and Resources

In order to advance your molecular biology research, it is critical to maximize the efficiency of your workflow in a multitude of areas including, genomics, proteomics, and cellular analyses. As a pioneer in genomics and PCR technology, Roche’s complete suite of reagents and kits are optimized to reduce hands-on time at the bench, expedite data acquisition and the creation of key tools to test the most challenging of biological hypotheses. With a mutual drive for product quality and scientific excellence, our partnership allows us to bring Roche products to you, so the answers are there when you need them, wherever your work takes you. Explore all Roche PCR-related reagents and protocols on the Roche Products and Molecular Solutions resource page.

LuminoCT™, KiCqStart®, and JumpStart Quantitative PCR (qPCR) Master Mix Reagents

Quantitative PCR (qPCR) uses the linearity of DNA amplification to determine absolute or relative amounts of a known sequence in a sample. By using a fluorescent reporter in the reaction, it is possible to measure DNA generation in real time. Based on a highly optimized ReadyMix™ chemistry, LuminoCt™ delivers unsurpassed assay speeds without sacrificing accuracy, precision, or sensitivity. LuminoCt™ works seamlessly with most qPCR instruments, so optimization of reaction conditions is kept to an absolute minimum. Often, users can simply choose their kit, build their assay, and begin. Generating the best possible qPCR data has never been faster or easier.

KiCqStart® ReadyMix™ reagents are ready-to-use, highly sensitive master mixes containing all the basic components for qPCR or RT-qPCR. Simply add your primers, probe and water to complete the assay cocktail. Add the cocktail to tubes or plates and then add your template. The KiCqStart® ReadyMix™ reagents are compatible with conventional or fast PCR mode. For more details, see product usage information at KiCqStart® Probe qPCR ReadyMix™ or KiCqStart® One-Step Probe RT-qPCR ReadyMix™ reagents. Additionally, the JumpStart Taq ReadyMixes provide a convenient solution for conventional qPCR experiments. The JumpStart Taq antibody delivers antibody-inactivated hot-start PCR which prevents non-specific product formation. Suitable for SYBR® Green and probe-based detection methods, the product line features options for optimization and offer compatibility with tube-, plate-, and capillary-based instruments. For additional information, please explore our additional SYBR® Green based qPCR reagents and resources.

RT-PCR and RT-qPCR: Custom Oligos and Probes, DNase, Kits, Master Mixes, Primers, & More

RT-PCR combines two powerful and versatile techniques, reverse transcription and the polymerase chain reaction to generate and amplify cDNA from total RNA or mRNA transcripts. The method is often used to study gene expression at both the RNA and protein levels. The ideal RT-PCR requires a sensitive reverse transcription and a high-fidelity amplification. The reverse transcriptase should be able to detect very low abundance transcripts and/or transcripts containing difficult secondary structure. Our enhanced Avian (eAMV™) Reverse Transcriptase displays all of these characteristics. It is the ideal RT for detecting low abundance messages that may be missed by other reverse transcriptases and it is the best enzyme we have found for transcribing through difficult secondary structure. It is also more tolerant to elevated temperatures than standard AMV, M-MLV, M-MLV RNase H– or AMV RNase H reduced.

For additional recipe calculators and unit converter tools, please visit our Calculators and Applications resource hub page.

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