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HomePathogen & Spoilage TestingDifferentiation and ID Media for Salmonella

Differentiation and ID Media for Salmonella

Today’s use of classical culture methods to identify Salmonella, a potent food-borne pathogen

Salmonella contamination is the second leading cause of food-borne illness worldwide. Controlling outbreaks of Salmonella is an important task for food regulators, restaurants and the food industry in general.

The Salmonella family includes over 2,300 serotypes of bacteria, but two types, Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium, are responsible for about half of all human infections. Most outbreaks of Salmonella are traced back to dairy, poultry and meat products, but Salmonella can grow on nearly any food. Chicken, eggs and their derivative products are particularly high risk.

Salmonella Bacteria

Figure 1. Salmonella Bacteria

Microbiological control in the food industry plays a critical role in preventing Salmonella outbreaks. Tests and media used for identification of Salmonella take advantage of unique aspects of Salmonella physiology or biochemistry relative to other genera within the family Enterobacteriaceae. For example, bacteria from the genus Salmonella are mostly facultative anaerobes, oxidase-negative, catalase-positive and gramnegative rods. Most strains are motile and ferment glucose with production of both acid and gas. The media used currently for the differentiation and identification of Salmonella are still based on the detection of carbohydrate fermentation indicated by a pH indicator (see also Table 1 for carbohydrate fermentation ability), the detection of proteolytic activity, hydrogen sulphide production and selectivity. Most modern media also combine some of this detection system to make the media more reliable. A listing of the most common selective and differential media appears in Table 2.

 FermentationCat. No.
CarbohydrateAcid GasCabohydrate Discs
Table 1. Typical carbohydrate fermentation ability of Salmonella
BrandCat # Name
Sigma-AldrichA0715Andrade Peptone Water
Sigma-Aldrich28943Andrade peptone water, Vegitone
Sigma-Aldrich95388Bismuth sulfite Agar
Sigma-Aldrich15835BPL Agar
Sigma-Aldrich70134Brilliant Green Agar, modified
Sigma-Aldrich16026Brilliant Green Phenol Red Lactose Sucrose Agar
Sigma-Aldrich36408Bromcresol Purple Broth
Sigma-Aldrich22520China Blue Lactose Agar
Sigma-Aldrich55420CLED Agar
Sigma-Aldrich70135DCLS Agar
Sigma-Aldrich90035DCLS Agar No. 2
Sigma-AldrichD2935Decarboxylase Broth Base, Moeller
Sigma-AldrichD7809Deoxycholate Citrate Agar
Sigma-AldrichE5399Endo Agar
Sigma-Aldrich70137ENDO Agar (Base)
Sigma-Aldrich16447Glucose Bromcresol Purple Agar
Sigma-Aldrich51490Hektoen Enteric Agar
Sigma-Aldrich60787Kligler Agar
Sigma-Aldrich61792Leifson Agar
Sigma-Aldrich66304Lysine Decarboxylase Broth
Sigma-Aldrich62915Lysine Iron Agar
Sigma-Aldrich70143Mac Conkey Agar No 1
Sigma-Aldrich19352Mac Conkey Agar No 1, Vegitone
Sigma-AldrichM8302, 94216MacConkey Agar with Crystal Violet, Sodium Chloride and 0.15% Bile Salts
Sigma-Aldrich70144MacConkey Broth
Sigma-Aldrich75717, 16377MacConkey broth purple
Sigma-Aldrich63014MacConkey MUG Agar
Sigma-Aldrich51405MacConkey-Agar (without salt)
Sigma-Aldrich69965Mossel Broth
Sigma-Aldrich43052Muller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth, Base (ISO)
Sigma-Aldrich75315OF Test Nutrient Agar
Sigma-Aldrich81648Pril® Mannitol Agar
Sigma-Aldrich04584Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth acc. to DIN EN ISO 6579:2002
Sigma-Aldrich17173Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth, modified
Sigma-AldrichR0773Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium
Sigma-Aldrich92322Rappaport Vassiliadis medium (base), modified, semi-solid
Sigma-Aldrich84368Salmonella Agar according to Önöz
Sigma-Aldrich84370Salmonella Enrichment Broth
Sigma-Aldrich70153Selenite Broth (Base)
Sigma-Aldrich84922Selenite Cystine Broth
Sigma-Aldrich85438SIM Medium
Sigma-Aldrich85463Simmons Citrate Agar
Sigma-Aldrich86352TBG Broth
Sigma-Aldrich88151Tetrathionate Broth
Sigma-Aldrich88148Tetrathionate Enrichment Broth according to Muller-Kauffmann
Sigma-Aldrich44940Triple Sugar Iron Agar
Sigma-Aldrich51463Urea Broth
Sigma-Aldrich42376Violet Red Bile Agar, Vegitone
Sigma-Aldrich70189, 79873Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar
Sigma-Aldrich17213Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar without Lactose
Sigma-Aldrich53605Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar without Lactose, Vegitone
Sigma-Aldrich41270Violet Red Bile Lactose Dextrose Agar
Sigma-Aldrich95273VRB MUG Agar
Sigma-Aldrich95586XLD Agar
Sigma-Aldrich76721XLT4 Agar (Base)
Table 2.Salmonella selective and differential media (list not complete. For more see

In addition, our current technology offers the chromogenic media, which makes identification even more reliable and faster as they detect a characteristic enzyme of the Salmonella. These reactions are based on the cleavage of a chromogenic substrate which results in a visible color change (see Table 3).

BrandCat # Name
Sigma-Aldrich00563HiCrome™ MM Agar
Sigma-Aldrich90918HiCrome™ RajHans Medium, Modified
Sigma-Aldrich78419HiCrome™ Salmonella Agar
Sigma-Aldrich05538HiCrome™ Salmonella Agar, Improved
Sigma-Aldrich84369Salmonella Chromogen Agar
Sigma-Aldrich01993Salmonella Chromogen Agar Set
Table 3.Chromogenic media for Salmonella
HiCrome™ Salmonella Agar, Improved

Figure 2.HiCrome™ Salmonella Agar, Improved

Detection of hydrogen sulfide Production of microorganisms such as Salmonella

A large number of bacteria can produce H2S in small amounts from sulfur containing amino acids in carbohydrate media. When combined with lead acetate, the H2S will produce a black precipitate, giving rise to a visible black coloured reaction on the paper strip. The lead acetate method is very sensitive, allowing the detection of trace levels of hydrogen sulphide.

Test with strips: Inoculate peptone water (Cat. No. 70179) with the suspect organism. Insert a lead acetate paper strip between the plug and inner wall of tube, above the inoculated medium and incubate at 35 °C for 18-24 hours. A positive reaction appears as a blackening of the lower part of the strip. In the case of negative response, no blackening should appear (see Figure 3).

Test Organisms

Figure 2.1. Test OrganismsTest Organisms

Hydrogen Sulfide Test Strips

Figure 3.Hydrogen Sulfide Test Strips

A rapid test based on the rRNA detection

Figure 4.A rapid test based on the rRNA detection

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